13 fantastiske ting at lave i Sydafrika

13 fantastiske ting at lave i Sydafrika

Sendt: 03/2/20 | 2. marts 2020

Sydafrika er populært for sine sensationelle landskaber, ekstraordinære dyreliv, prisvindende vingårde, fantastiske strande og dens livlige og kosmopolitiske byer. Jeg har været i landet to gange og forlader altid at have mere. Der er noget dybt specielt om dette sted.

Stretching over 2.800 kilometer (1.700 miles) og hjem til over 56 millioner mennesker, du kunne nemt bruge måneder her og stadig ikke se alt. Heck, bare kører fra den ene ende af landet til den anden ville tage flere dage.

Selv om der er hundredvis af ting at se og gøre i Sydafrika, er her en liste over, hvad jeg synes er de must-see og must-do aktiviteter, mens du er her:

1. Gå på en safari

De fleste mennesker kommer til Sydafrika for at gå på en safari – og af god grund. Det er hjemsted for nogle af de bedste spildrev i verden, og du vil gerne bruge mindst et par nætter i en af ​​hundredvis af nationalparker. Der er virkelig ingenting som det.

Den mange velkendte safari destination er Kruger National Park, som har ekstraordinær mangfoldighed og tonsvis af fremragende dyreliv, herunder de “store fem” (løver, leoparder, elefanter, næsehorn og Cape Buffalo).

Jeg gik til Kruger et par år tilbage, og det var alt, hvad jeg havde forventet og mere. Selvom du kan køre dig selv rundt i parken, anbefaler jeg faktisk at bruge en guide, fordi de vil være meget bedre på spotting dyr og vil også give dig bunker info om dem, deres habitat og selve parken. I betragtning af at dette er en af ​​dem “en gang i livet” oplevelser, er det værd at bruge pengene til at få en erfaren guide.

Mens Kruger er den mest populære safari destination, er der snesevis af andre muligheder på tværs af Sydafrika. Her er et par, jeg anbefaler:

Hluhluwe og Imfolozi National Park – beliggende i øst for landet og er kendt for sine rhino populationer.

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park – På grænsen til Botswana i nord er det kendt for sine sorte løver.

Addo Elephant National Park – Nær Port Elizabeth På sydkysten er dette et fantastisk valg til selvdrevne safaris.

Pilanesburg National Park & ​​Game Reserve – Home til Big 5 og er gennemførlig i en dagstur fra Johannesburg, hvis du er kort tid.

Safari er så almindelige i Sydafrika, at stort set alle prispunkt og budget er dækket. Indkvarteringsmuligheder spænder fra budgetvenlige campingpladser til eksklusive pensionater og feriesteder.

2. Tjek Cape Town

Cape Town er den mest populære destination i Sydafrika – og for god grund. Det er en levende, multikulturel by med livlige barer, lækker mad, fantastisk vejr, masser af natur og vandreture i nærheden. Ud over byens fremragende strande brister havnefronten også med ting at gøre.

Der er meget at gøre i byen, så tjek hele dette indlæg jeg skrev om, hvad du skulle gøre, mens du er der!

3. Gå surfing

Både Atlanterhavet og Det Indiske Ocean-kyster i Sydafrika tilbyder surfing i verdensklasse. Jeffrey’s Bay på sydkysten nær Port Elizabeth er den mest populære surfing destination i Sydafrika og bruger store bølger og flere pauser.

Der er også en række gode surfing steder i nærheden af ​​Cape Town, herunder Dungeons i Hout Bay og en række andre desuden sydpå på Western Cape, såsom Long Beach.

Hvis du er en nybegynder, er Durban en fantastisk mulighed for at surfe lektioner på grund af de velrenommerede bølger og varmt vand i Det Indiske Ocean. Forvent at betale omkring 500 ZAR pr. Person for en 2-3 timers lektion.

4. Lær om apartheid

Du kan ikke tjekke Sydafrika uden at lære om Apartheid’s rædsel (et system med institutionaliseret racemæssig segregation), som kastede sin skygge over landet fra 1940’erne helt ind i 1990’erne. Åbnet i 2001, Apartheid Museum i Johannesburg gør et usædvanligt arbejde med at fremhæve apartheids historie og arv.

I Johannesburg skal du tjekke forfatningsdomstolen. Det står på stedet for et tidligere politisk fængsel, og du kan udflugt nogle af fængselsruinerne og lære meget mere om de mange politiske fanger, der blev uretfærdigt tilbageholdt her.

Sørg også for at tjekke distriktet Six Museum i Cape Town. Det er et mindesmærke for de mennesker, der boede i området i 1970’erne, der blev tvunget til at flytte, så hvide borgere kunne træde ind. Det er både nyskabende og belysende.

7. Tjek Robben Island

Når det drejer sig om at lære om apartheid, vil du også planlægge en tur til Robben Island. Beliggende kun fire miles ud for Cape Towns kyst, var Robben Island et maksimumssikkerhedsfængsel indtil 1996. Under Apartheid-æraen blev der sendt mange politiske fanger til Robben Island. Dette omfatter Nelson Mandela, der tilbragte 18 år bag barer på Robben Island. Fængslet er nu et UNESCOs verdensarvssted og et af de mest afgørende kultursteder i landet.

Betingelserne ved fængslet var usædvanligt hårdt, med masser af PRISoners forced into hard labor in the limestone quarry. They were also made to sleep on the stone floors of their cells without a bed as well.

Today, former prisoners are excursion guides and they shed light on what life was like here during apartheid. You’ll be able to see Mandela’s cell and take a bus ride around the island to see the prisoner’s graveyard as well as the quarry where Mandela and other prisoners were forced to work.

Ferries operate 3 times a day, starting at 9am (a 4th ferry operates during the summer season). Admission is 320 ZAR for adults and 200 ZAR for any individual under 18, which includes the ferry ride. expect to spend at least four hours here (including the excursion and getting to/from the island).

5. Hike the Drakensberg Mountains

The Drakensberg region near the east coast is home to the highest mountain range in the country, with rugged, green peaks, sandstone cliffs, and deep valleys. There are lots of trails, ranging from casual walks to strenuous climbs and plenty of options for both day hikes and multi-day hikes. some of the popular routes include the following:

Rainbow Gorge: easy and stunning two-hour trail in the Cathedral height area.

Ploughman’s Kop: A half-day trail with a steep climb, but stunning rock pools along the way so you can amazing off with a dip.

Chain Ladders Hike: A challenging one-day hike, including ladders attached to the rock face.

Cathedral Peak: best climbed with a guide, this hike can be split across two days with a night spent camping in a cave to break up the hikes.

Giant’s cup Trail: usually done a five-day hike, but not overly strenuous.

6. See African Penguins

Part of the Table mountain national Park and a short drive from Cape Town, the Boulders Penguin Colony is home to several thousand African penguins. (Fun fact: they’re also known as jackass penguins, because the noises they make sound like a donkey braying.)

Unfortunately, they’re an endangered species as a result of human impacts like pollution, oil spills, and habitat destruction. For that reason, you aren’t allowed to walk on the beach where the penguins breed but you can enjoy them from the nearby checking out platforms. There is also a raised boardwalk that starts at the Boulders visitor Centre which will let you get up close to the penguins. just keep in mind that they are wild animals and the beach is their home, not yours. Be sure to keep your distance and don’t try to feed them or pet them. As cute as they are, they’re still wild animals.

8. Take a road Trip

South Africa is an amazing road trip destination. the most popular route is the garden Route, which takes you along coastal cliffs and through forests and mountain ranges. Stretching along the south-central coast from Mossel Bay in the west to Storms River in the east, the garden route is only around 200km (125 miles) long but is full of beaches, lakes, and lagoons.

If you are feeling adventurous, you can stop at Bloukrans Bridge, the highest bridge in Africa, and go bungee jumping there. expect to pay around 1,400 ZAR ($95 USD) per person.

The stunning beaches of Plettenberg Bay on the Indian ocean are also a worthwhile garden route stop.

There are other popular road-trip routes in South Africa, such as the Panorama route in Mpumalanga, which winds around the Blyde River Canyon, or the Wild coast route for exploring dramatic coastal landscapes. You can also pick a road-trip route that takes in several national parks, as there are quite a few scattered around the country where you can self-drive through the park to see the wildlife.

9. Go white wine Tasting

South Africa’s climate is best for grape growing and the country produces award-winning white, red, and sparkling wines. The white wine industry here dates back to the seventeenth century and there are hundreds of wineries to be found (and sampled of course).

In the Cape Winelands region not far from Cape Town, Stellenbosch has over 150 wineries in a very small area while a bit additionally away, Franschhoek not only has over 50 vineyards but also some of South Africa’s best restaurants. You can do a white wine excursion that will take you to several different or you can stay in one for a night or two (many have guest accommodations).

If you don’t have a automobile and want to take a tour, expect to pay at around 1,000 ZAR per person for a half-day excursion of the region and its wineries. lots of hostels run their own excursions to the region or have partnerships with local excursion guides who can take you as well. Be sure to shop around for the best deal!

10. explore the Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve

A frequent stop on the way to or from Kruger, Blyde River Canyon is the third largest canyon in the world. It’s particularly lush and green compared to the Grand Canyon and also has very deep, sheer cliffs. There are many natural rock formations and other natural features in this UNESCO-listed reserve, including Pinnacle Rock, God’s Window, and Bourke’s luck Potholes. You can also find ancient rock art in the Echo Caves.

There are several hiking trails as well as abseiling, mountain biking, and white-water rafting.

11. Go Whale Watching

South Africa is normally considered to be one of the best places in the world to go whale watching. If you’re checking out between June and November you’ll have an exceptional chance of spotting southern ideal whales, Bryde’s whales, and orcas.

The town of Hermanus, located 120km southeast of Cape Town, is the base for lots of of the best whale-watching companies in the country. Some credible companies to check out are:

Southern ideal Charters

Hermanus Whale Cruises

Xplora Tours

Expect to pay around 950 ZAR for a two-hour tour. drinks and snacks are normally included and discounts are typically available for students, seniors, and children. be sure to book in development as excursions sell out fast considering that there is a limited window.

13. Go scuba Diving

If you love to dive (or want to learn), head to Cape Town. The diving here is world-class thanks to the mixing of warm and cold ocean currents. here you’ll find rocky shores, lots of reefs, and kelp forests. There are also lots of wrecks on both sides of the peninsula too.

Expect to pay around 1,450 ZAR for a one-tank dive (including equipment rental) and 6,600 ZAR for your PADI certification if you’re a new diver.

For a lot more wrecks, head to Port Elizabeth (which is on the coast halfway between Cape town and Durban). There are several interesting wrecks to explore here, including the Haerlem (a scuttled navy frigate) and the Doddington (which wrecked in the 18th century). It’s also a terrific area for diving with sharks.

For something a lot more unique, check out Port St. Johns to experience the sardine migration. It occurs every June with four miles of water thick with sardines! You can book multi-day diving excursions to see the sardines, with a lot of enduring 5-6 days cand costing 30,000 ZAR per person.

Sodwana Bay (on the border with Mozambique) is another top location to see healthy coral reefs as well as lots of fish and marine life.

With its best weather, extraordinary wildlife, award-winning wine, and culinary delights, South Africa is an underrated destination that should have your attention. It’s a country I never get worn out of checking out and is one of the most stunning countries I’ve ever been to. You just can’t help but fall in love with it — no matter your interests.

Book Your trip to South Africa: Logistical ideas and Tricks
Book dit fly
Use Skyscanner or Momondo to find a low-cost flight. They are my two favorite search engines because they search web sites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned. start with Skyscanner first though because they have the greatest reach!

Book din indkvartering
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the greatest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the least expensive rates for guesthouses and low-cost hotels.

Glem ikke rejseforsikring
Rejseforsikring vil sikre dig mod sygdom, skade, tyveri og aflysninger. Det er detaljeret beskyttelse, hvis noget går galt. Jeg går aldrig på en tur uden det, som jeg har måttet bruge det masser af gange i fortiden. Mine foretrukne virksomheder, der tilbyder den bedste service og værdi, er:

Safety Wing (for everyone below 70)

Forsikre min tur (for de over 70)

Medjet (for additional repatriation coverage)

Looking for the best companies to save money With?
Tjek min ressource side for de bedste virksomheder at bruge, når du rejser. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. De vil spare dig penge, når du rejser også.

Want a lot more information on South Africa?
Be sure to check out our robust destination guide to South Africa for even a lot more planning tips!

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