Generelt er pasfornyelse meget lettere end at anvende for første gang. Men er fornyelsesprocessen stadig den samme under pandemien?
Vi fornyede for nylig vores pas, og baseret på vores erfaring er det stort set det samme. Forståeligt strenge implementering af sikkerhedsprotokoller overholdes, og kontortiden og den daglige kapacitet er blevet justeret for at sikre en korrekt social distancering. Men bortset fra det, er det ikke meget ændret.
Velkommen til vores trin-for-trin guide til DFA Passport fornyelse. I dette indlæg deler vi med dig de krav, du har brug for for at forberede, de trin, du skal tage, og nogle yderligere påmindelser og tips, du måske vil huske. Igen er dette til fornyelse. Hvis det er din første gang at ansøge om et pas, skal du kontrollere denne artikel i stedet: Nye Passport Application krav!
Hvad er dækket af denne vejledning?
Liste over philippine pas fornyelse krav1. Online Aftalebekræftelse
2. behørigt gennemført form
3. Nuværende pas med fotokopi af bio side
4. Personligt udseende
Mulige yderligere krav
Hvis du holder en ikke-epassport
Hvis dit navn er ændret
Hvis ansøgeren er en mindreårig
Hvis dit nuværende pas er tabt eller beskadiget
Trin-for-trin Philippine Passport Fornyelse proces1. Planlæg en aftale online.
2. Gennemfør online ansøgningsskemaet.
3. Afgør forarbejdningsgebyret.
4. Gå til DFA-webstedet du har valgt.
5. Påstande dit nye pas.
Ofte stillede spørgsmål (ofte stillede spørgsmål) Hvad er de acceptable id’er?
Hvor tidligt kan jeg forny mit pas?
Jeg har stadig gyldige visa i mit gamle pas. Kan jeg stadig bruge dem, efter at jeg fornyer?
Kan jeg søge i provinsen, selvom jeg ikke er hjemmehørende der?
Har alle brug for at få en aftale, før de anvender?
Jeg fik ikke en email, da jeg sikrede en aftale, så jeg kender ikke mit referencenummer. Hvad skal jeg gøre?
Kan jeg reservere flere aftaler slots for mig selv, bare hvis jeg ændrer mig?
Jeg kan ikke gøre det på min udnævnelsesplan. Hvad kan jeg gøre?
Sådan omlægges min aftale?
Jeg savnede min aftale. Hvad kan jeg gøre?
Jeg fandt en fejl på ansøgningsskemaet. Kan jeg stadig ændre det?
Hvad skal jeg arbejde på først, hvis jeg har brug for at få en DSWD clearance, pas og visum til en mindreårig?
Skal jeg virkelig vises personligt på passtedet?
Hvor lang tid tager ansøgningsprocessen?
Hvor mange dage skal jeg forvente at vente på udgivelsen af mit pas?
Flere tips om YouTube-⬇️⬇️⬇️relaterede indlæg:
Liste over philippine pasfornyelseskrav
Dette er kravene til den almindelige pasfornyelse:
1. Online Aftalebekræftelse
Du skal sikre din slot ved at indstille en aftale på den officielle hjemmeside.
Hvis du kan, skal du gøre det måneder før din ønskede rejsedato for at give dig nok ledetid. På grund af det store antal applikationer fylder slots hurtigt op. Vi diskuterer dette yderligere i how-to-sektionen nedenfor.
2. behørigt gennemført form
Under udnævnelsesprocessen bliver du bedt om at udfylde ansøgningsskemaet, så du ikke behøver at gøre det igen. Et link til din opnåede formular vil blive sendt til dig via e-mail, og alt du skal gøre er at downloade og udskrive det ud (sammen med andre vedhæftede dokumenter).
Men hvis du af en eller anden grund har brug for en blank kopi af ansøgningsskemaet, kan du få det her. Du skal udskrive det ud på A4-papir.
3. Nuværende pas med fotokopi af bio side
Bortset fra den originale kopi af dit nuværende pas, skal du også indsende en fotokopi af bio-siden.
Normalt er der fotokopi maskiner på DFA Center og fotokopieringstjenester omkring området. Bare for at være sikker, skal du have det kopieret før din udnævnelsesplan for at undgå forsinkelser og spildtid.
4. Personligt udseende
Alle ansøgere skal være fysisk til stede på DFA-kontoret på din udnævnelsesplan.
Fornyelsesprocessen indebærer at indsamle dine biometriske data og tage et billede af dig. For Passport Photo Capturing skal du notere den rigtige tøj eller kjolekode. Farvede kontaktlinser og tilbehør som øreringe, halskæder eller andre ansigts piercinger er ikke tilladt under fotooptagelse.
Mulige yderligere krav
DFA meddelte, at fødselsattester for Pass-fornyelser ikke længere er påkrævet, men der er nogle undtagelser. Du skal stadig præsentere dit fødselsattest, hvis:
Du tabte eller beskadigede dit nuværende pas.
Du holder gammelt brunt eller grønt pas uden komplet mellemnavn.
Du foretager ændringer i dine personlige oplysninger.
Du er inkluderet i DFA Watchlist.
Afhængigt af din status eller din nuværende Passports tilstand er her andre mulige yderligere krav til pasfornyelse:
Hvis du holder en ikke-epassport
Hvis du har en ikke-EPASSPORT, skal du give følgende:
Original nuværende Pass.
Fotokopi af bio eller dato side
Gyldigt ID og en fotokopi (se liste over acceptable ID’er i FAQ-sektionen nedenfor)
Bemærk, at ikke alle pas er EPASSPORTER. En epassport har en integreret kredsløbschip ellermicrochip where the biometrics data are stored. The DFA only started issuing ePassports in 2009. how to know whether you have an e-Passport or a non-ePassport? Here’s how to distinguish:
ePassport: There is a chip sign or icon at the bottom portion of your passport’s front cover.
Non-ePassport: It may be brown, green, machine readable passports (maroon), or any older passports. It doesn’t have the chip sign or icon on your passport front cover.
Hvis dit navn er ændret
Additional documents to prove and support the name change must be provided. depending on your situation, these are the documents needed. note that these must be PSA-authenticated.
Marriage Contract
Annotated Birth Certificate
Annotated marriage contract to show annulment/divorce/court ordered instruction
Death Certificate of Spouse
NOTE: You do not need to present your marriage contract if you recently married but you chose to keep your maiden name.
Hvis ansøgeren er en mindreårig
For minor applicants or those applying for a minor, these are the additional requirements:
Proof of affiliation and/or guardianship with one (1) photocopy. If you are presenting the minor’s Birth Certificate as proof, it must be PSA-authenticated. provide the original birth certificate printed on PSA security paper and a clear photocopy. If the PSA-authenticated Birth Certificate is not readable, get a copy from the local Civil Registrar.
School ID (if applicable)
Valid Government-issued ID of either parent with one (1) photocopy. See list of accepted IDs in the FAQ section below.
VIGTIG! personal appearance of both the minor applicant and either parent (or authorized adult companion) is mandatory.
If only one parent is accompanying the minor, marriage Certificate must be presented. If the parents are unmarried, the mother must execute a special Power of attorney if she is not accompanying her child. special Power of attorney executed outside the Philippines must be authenticated by the Philippine embassy or Consulate in that foreign country.
If either parent can’t accompany the child for the application, a special Power of attorney must be executed by the parent to designate and authorize someone else to accompany and help the child through the application process. A copy of parent/s valid ID and/or passport attached to the special Power of attorney or Affidavit of support and Consent. The authorized adult companion must present his/her Passport or Valid Government-issued ID. See the list of acceptable IDs above.
If either parent is not traveling with the minor, DSWD Clearance and Affidavit of support and Consent must be submitted. Affidavit executed outside the Philippines must be consularized by the Philippine embassy or Consulate in that foreign country. The authorized adult companion must present his/her Passport or Valid Government-issued ID. See the list of acceptable IDs above.
NOTE: before the pandemic, minors aged seven (7) and below don’t need to secure an online appointment. They could just walk in and use the courtesy lane. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic health emergency, all courtesy lane service is strictly by appointment only.
Visit the DFA Consular website if you have other specific concerns and inquiries (no birth certificate, illegitimate child, etc.)
Hvis dit nuværende pas er tabt eller beskadiget
Whether it’s an ePassport or non-ePassport, the process is the same for damaged or lost passport — new APPLICATION.
Therefore, you need to submit the requirements for a new passport application rather than the requirements for the passport renewal application. check the list of requirements here: new Application Requirements!
Men vent! On top of the requirements for new passport application, you need to provide the following:
Lost VALID ePassport
– police report (English). submit the original and a photocopy.
– Affidavit of Loss (English). submit original and a photocopy.
– penalty Fee: PHP 350
– additional 15 days for clearing process
Lost EXPIRED ePassport
– Affidavit of Loss (English)
– penalty Fee: PHP 350
DAMAGED ePassport
– Surrender damaged passport
– Affidavit of Explanation
– penalty Fee: PHP 350
NOTES: If you lost your passport but were able to save a photocopy of it, you don’t need to present your birth certificate anymore, but make sure you bring that photocopy with you.
Visit the DFA Consular website or contact the DFA directly if you have other specific concerns and inquiries.
1. schedule an appointment online.
Walk-in applicants are normally not allowed except for emergency and special cases. regular and non-emergency applicants must secure their slots by setting an online appointment.
As much as possible, do it months before your desired travel date to give you enough lead time. Nowadays, if you try to secure an online appointment, the earliest available slot is more or less two months away. To give you an idea, say you decide to get an appointment inNovember, the earliest available slot might be in December, or if you’re unlucky, January.
But if you’re really unlucky, there may be no more slots available. In this case, you can either wait and try again another day or find an available slot in another DFA site.
How to set an appointment online?
Visit the DFA online Passport appointment System website.
Read the Terms and Conditions, and then tick the box. This means that you have understood the terms.
There are two options: individual appointment and group Appointment. choose the one that’s applicable to you.
Choose a DFA office/branch. select the one nearest you or the one most convenient for you. later on, you can change it and check other branches if you are having a hard time securing a slot with your first choice. hit the next button.
Select a date and time from the provided calendar. The earliest open date is noted above the calendar. The dates in green are AVAILABLE, while those in RED are FULL.
The most challenging and frustrating part is finding an available slot. There are just a lot of applications per day and slots are quickly filled. The DFA has taken steps to improve the system to serve applicants better, but it can still take a lot of attempts to finally find availability. You may check other branches or try again later.
You may also try some of these tips:
Ensure that you have strong Internet connection. When slots become available, they are snatched easily by other applicants. They will not wait for your network to keep up.
List down all your preferred dates. This will give you more options in case the date you originally want is already full. This will save you time too. instead of spending precious seconds weighing other dates, you already have shortlisted the most convenient dates for you.
Decide quickly. Again, you are beating time here, so you must be decisive because slots can be taken in a snap. You see the date you want is still available one minute, but then it’s gone the next. afternoon schedules are usually the first to get filled.
Refresh the page. There are times when available slots pop out of nowhere. Well, these might be those slots reserved for applicants who failed to pay within the allotted time period.
Check the site regularly. As much as possible, the DFA opens additional slots daily. The system refreshes regularly, so check the site from time to time for possible additional slots.
Try searching at around these times: 6AM – 8AM, 12NN, and 9PM. available slots usually appear at these times, from Mondays to Saturdays (except holidays).
Search other DFA branches/offices. There are six (6) branches in Manila: DFA central (ASEANA), DFA NCR North (Robinsons Novaliches), DFA NCR Northeast (Alimall), DFA NCR West (SM Manila), DFA NCR east (Megamall), and DFA NCR South (Alabang). However, these NCR branches run out of slots real quick. If you desperately need to renew your passport, you may try looking at regional branches/offices.
UPDATE: In addition to the regular processing sites, the DFA has set up temporary Off-site Passport service (TOPS) facilities within Metro Manila that can process passport applications. Disse er:
– Robinsons Las Pinas
– Robinsons Magnolia, Quezon City
– SM Aura, Taguig
– SM mall of Asia, Pasay
– SM North EDSA, Quezon City
But certain restrictions apply. Passports processed at any of these TOPS sites will be shipped via courier, adding an extra 3 to 5 working days. payment for TOPS is via credit CARD or DEBIT CARD ONLY! Make sure you have your card with you when you start the appointment process.
When you get a slot, you need to finish the next step within 20 minutes or lose that slot.
2. Gennemfør online ansøgningsskemaet.
After you get a slot, you will be directed to the next step, which is filling out the four-page online application form. Remember, you only have 15-20 minutes to complete this so prepare the following information:
Personlig information: