National palace museum in Taipei, Taiwan

National palace museum in Taipei, Taiwan

“It was as if they had so much time,” commented Cerbrina, one of our tour guides, as she explained the carved Olive-stone boat while the rest of us were hectic having our minds blown by the small yet impressively intricate art piece.

“They didn’t have Facebook then,” responded Fitz, a blog writer who was likewise with us on the tour. everybody chuckled. At that moment, one of the museum’s ushers revealed that we might already proceed into the space holding that centuries-old gem.

National palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
The Taipei national palace Museum

The carved Olive-Stone boat is just one of the numerous countless pieces housed in the Taipei national palace Museum. In fact, it contains over 650,000 objects as well as only a simple 1% of it is displayed in the primary museum. The rest is kept in heavily guarded, temperature managed vaults in the close-by mountains that only a few personnel members have gain access to to. It’s a collection so vast, almost unimaginable, that includes 6000 bronze pieces, 3000 calligraphy works, as well as thousands as well as countless pieces of gems, carvings, as well as textiles among others. To think that this is just a fraction of the bigger collection kept at its namesake, palace museum at the heart of prohibited City, you can envision exactly how large Beijing’s assemblage is.

How it got to Taipei is a long, long story sufficient for a full history class. however the short of it is this: In 1931, in fear that these pieces would autumn into the wrong hands after the Imperial Japanese army had conquered a strategic area in North China, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek ordered that the most valued pieces be prepped for evakuering. Within the next 10 years, the countless crates bring these treasures had been transferred to Shanghai, to Nanjing, as well as then to the Sichuan province as the Japanese forces advanced farther inland.

When the Sino-Japanese war as well as world war II were over, the chaos in mainland China did not stop. The Chinese Civil war resumed as well as the dispute between the Nationalists as well as Communists pressed on. Chiang Kai-Shek decided to send the most important products of the collection to Taiwan. The rest stayed in the palace museum in Beijing, which was already managed by the Communist Government.

Inside the national palace Museum

The national palace museum in Taipei is the 7th most visited museum in the World, as well as it is extremely evident as soon as you step into the museum grounds. It was a Monday when we visited as well as in spite of the vastness of the place, it was packed with tourists from around the world, mainly from mainland China. We had to withstand more than an hour of queuing. While other sections of the museum were simple to explore, the exhibits showing the most astonishing artifacts ate up so much time as well as energy just waiting on our turn.

Priceless collection. pictures courtesy of the national palace museum official website

Here are a few of the most valued Chinese cultural as well as historical artifacts that the museum boasts:

The carved Olive-Stone Boat. An unbelievable intricate carving from olive stone that definitely needed a great deal of time as well as commitment from a extremely skilled artist. It is so small, just the size of, well, an olive, that a magnifying glass is needed to appreciate it fully. Yet, it was meticulously as well as ingeniously carved to look like a full boat total with 8 people inside, chairs, table, as well as dishes. as well as get this, the windows are totally moveable!

Jadeite Cabbage. The museum is house to countless jade products however the most prominent is most likely the Jadeite Cabbage. As you may have guessed from its name, it is a jadeite carefully as well as cleverly sculpted to into a little cabbage head. The artist utilized the natural color of the stone in making this convincingly lifelike wonder.

Meat-shaped Stone. one more little piece of gem masterfully carved into the shape of a Chinese food preferred is the meat-shaped stone, made of jasper stone. The artist utilized the lines of the gem as the morsels of a cooked chunk of pork.

The Bell as well as Cauldron Inscriptions. Bronze was treasured in ancient China since they somehow look like gold as well as they were utilized in the “Culture of Rites as well as Music,” thought about as the “paragons of cultural institutions” during the three Dynasties (2070-221 BC). two of the important artifacts from this age showcased inside the museum are the Zong Zhou Zhong (Bell of Zhou) and Mao Gong Ding (Cauldron of fight it out of Mao).

These are just five of the numerous countless valuable cultural artifacts that the national palace museum keeps under its care. photography is not enabled inside the museum so I wasn’t able to take pictures of anything inside. Outside, though, it was a different story. We had a excellent time camwhoring at the front whitE GATE!

Med Lloyd, Fitz, Mica, Hannah samt Kevin.
Udsigt fra museet balkon. Det er hovedindgangen i centrum.
Mens kun en lille brøkdel af samlingen er tilgængelig for offentligheden, udløser et kig på disse aspekter af den fremragende gamle kinesiske civilisation såvel som deres lange historie virkelig et intenst ønske om at se mere såvel som mere såvel som mere. Heck, jeg er ikke engang kinesisk, men jeg vil gerne se mere. Jeg vil se det hele!

Men desværre, forudsat at størrelsen på samlingen såvel som kun 1% kan vises på én gang, ville det tage over hundrede år at vise alle disse skatte på museet. Jeg er bange for, at jeg ikke har så meget tid.

National Palace Museum
Taipei, Taiwan

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