Who wants a totally free Ticket to FUKUOKA, JAPAN?

Who wants a totally free Ticket to FUKUOKA, JAPAN?

2019 • 5 • 22

Caught a screening of between MAYBES as well as grabe, tinamaan kami dun. like Hazel, parang ang sarap to get away para mag-isip-isip at iwan ang lahat ng gulo kahit panandalian lang, di ba?

Some of our most unforgettable experiences occurred when we braved traveling to a foreign land alone. Solo travel may not be for everyone, however it’s something that we suggest that you try at least when in your life.

That’s why we’re providing away roundtrip tickets to FUKUOKA, JAPAN, courtesy of Cebu Pacific Air as well as Black Sheep. Fukuoka is the gateway to Saga where the film was shot.

We’ll pick two winners of one roundtrip Manila-Fukuoka ticket each! (One roundtrip ticket through Facebook promo as well as one more roundtrip ticket through Twitter Promo)

Read on as well as discover out exactly how you can win a trip to Fukuoka!

Facebook Promo

Like The bad Traveler as well as Black Sheep on Facebook.

In the comments section of the Facebook promo post, publish your response to the question: “Bakit gusto mong mag-get away to Japan?” Your response should include the hashtags #BetweenMaybes #CEBfliesFukuoka

Det er det! Ang dali lang, di ba?

Only one entry per Facebook account will be counted.

Deadline of entrances for a possibility to win the prize is up until June 3, 2019; 11:59PM.

The winners will be revealed on The bad Traveler’s accounts from June 4, 2019 up until June 9, 2019.

This contest is in no method sponsored, endorsed or administered by or connected with Facebook.

Twitter Promo

We’re providing away 1 roundtrip Manila-FUKUOKA ticket. exactly how to join:

1. comply with @ThePoorTraveler & @Black_SheepPH2. RT this tweet w/ ur response to: Bakit mo gustong mag-get away to Japan? 3. utilize #BetweenMaybes & #CEBfliesFukuoka

Details: https://t.co/QzZ7KpI2Ci pic.twitter.com/ZWtwAB26eF

— The bad Traveler (@ThePoorTraveler) may 22, 2019

Follow @ThePoorTraveler & @Black_SheepPH.

Retweet our promo publish with your response to this question: Bakit gusto mo to get away to Japan?

Add the hashtags: #BetweenMaybes & #CEBfliesFukuoka


Deadline of entrances for a possibility to win the prize is up until June 3, 2019; 11:59PM.

The winners will be revealed on The bad Traveler’s accounts from June 4, 2019 up until June 9, 2019.

This contest is in no method sponsored, endorsed or administered by or connected with Twitter.


The raffle is available to those with Filipino citizenship residing in the Philippines, with an age not below eighteen (18) years old, as well as preferably with an existing as well as valid Japanese Visa.

Allowed contestants are only individuals as well as not pairs or groups of persons.

There will be two (2) winners of one (1) roundtrip ticket each from Manila, Philippines to Fukuoka, Japan — one champion with the Facebook promo as well as one more champion with the Twitter promo.

Winners will be chosen randomly. The raffle draw is on June 4, 2019.

The winners will be notified as well as will be revealed through The bad Traveler’s official social network accounts. The champion will be contacted daily for five (5) days up until the champion responds.

In the event that after five (5) days of contacting the champion as well as The bad Traveler does not get any type of type of response, The bad Traveler is entitled to award the prize to one more raffle entry.


By participating in this raffle contest, applicant has agreed to share the contents of his/her social network with The bad Traveler.

It is the applicant’s obligation to guarantee that his/her application is valid as well as all info is correct. The personal data of all applicants will not be utilized for any type of other functions than those stated.

Selected works will be utilized in marketing as well as advertising of The bad Traveler as well as can be edited for functions such as advertising, promotion, etc.

The award will be canceled in situation of applicable limitations or other fraudulent methods.

All contents submitted in one more person’s name will be disqualified. (Similar pieces likewise run the danger of being thought about plagiarized).

Copied work or material which utilizes unacceptable words and/or lascivious expressions will be disqualified. If a work is discovered to be copied after the awarding, the prize will be canceled.

Content which is deemed inappropriate, obscene, and/or harmful to the public will be disqualified.

The bad Traveler reserves the best to make any type of modifications to the rules at any type of time without prior notification, as well as reserves the best to replace any type of prize with one more of as much as equivalent value without notice.


Each champion will get the prize in the type of a Cebu Pacific travel Voucher. The details as to where as well as when the travel voucher can be turned over to the champion will be includeD i e -mail -bekræftelsen, der skal sendes til vinderen.
– a. Efter at have erklæret rejsekuponen, skal mesteren præsentere e-mailen såvel som to (2) gyldige udvikler af identifikation eller regeringsudstedt I.D. (SSS, Unified Multi-Purpose ID, kørekort, Voter’s ID) samt bevis for statsborgerskab (gyldigt pas eller fødselsattest). Hvis der er nogen form for uoverensstemmelse mellem den vindende post såvel som de dokumenter, der er oprettet til verifikation, betragtes posten som diskvalificeret.
– b. Krav fra vinderens repræsentant for at erklære prisen-et autorisationsbrev fra vinderen, den originale kopi af den registrerede mail, fotokopi af repræsentanten såvel som vinderens gyldige identifikation (SSS, samlet multi-purpose ID, kørekort, vælgerens ID) som såvel som bevis for statsborgerskab (gyldigt pas eller fødselsattest).
– c. Indløsningsperiode skal være inden for 60 dage efter modtagelse af anmeldelse. Efter den 60-dages erklæringsperiode fortabes den uopkrævede pris til fordel for den dårlige rejsende.
– d. Rejsekuponen skal udveksles inden for seks (6) måneder fra problemdatoen. Undladelse af dette vil resultere i fortabelse af voucheren. Forlængelse er strengt ikke tilladt.
– e. Lost Travel Voucher erstattes ikke af den dårlige rejsende eller Cebu Pacific.
– f. Rejsekuponen er overførbar, men er dog ikke til salg.

Rejsekuponen kan udveksles til en rejseplan.
en. Rejseplanen er gyldig i seks (6) måneder fra udvekslingsdatoen. Rejseplanen er dog ikke gyldig for rejser på embargo -datoer eller i løbet af sæsonen. Embargo-datoer for 2019-2020 er den 25. oktober 2019 til 5. november 2019 samt den 13. december 2019 til 7. januar 2020. Det leveres et positivt område Must-Ride (PSMR) prioritet.
b. Rejseplanen er ikke-overførbar, ikke-omdirigeret, ikke-konvertible for penge såvel som ikke til salg. Voucheren inkluderer kun flybillet, tillæg samt en bagagegodtgørelse på 20 kilo.
c. Rejseplanen inkluderer ikke statsskat, rejseafgift såvel som andre gældende skatter, terminalgebyr samt rejseforsikring. Rejseplanen er underlagt PSMR såvel som skal foretages i henhold til eksisterende bookingprocedurer for Cebu Pacific.

Prisen inkluderer ikke behandling af rejsedokumenter (dvs. pas, japansk visum, regeringsdokumenter osv.), Rejsegodtgørelse/lommepenge, indkvartering samt destinationsture. Prisen inkluderer heller ikke overførselsomkostningerne for mesteren til eller fra Manila lufthavn under flyvningens rutine.

Ved at deltage i denne lodtrækningspromo er deltageren herved enig i, at han/hun har tjekket ud samt forstå kravene, regler samt betingelser såvel som betingelser som fastlagt.

More tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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