Hiroshima -rejseplan: 9 fineste ting at gøre & placeringer for at gå til

Hiroshima -rejseplan: 9 fineste ting at gøre & placeringer for at gå til

Planlægning af en tur til Hiroshima? Lige her er et par af de allerbedste rejsende attraktioner at gå til såvel som ting at gøre for at tilføje din Hiroshima -rejseplan! For meget mere information kan du tjekke vores omfattende Hiroshima rejseguide!

Hiroshima i dag er utroligt anderledes end Hiroshima, som historiebøger havde malet i vores kollektive sind-en forladt krigsherjet by, der er lammet af eksplosionen af ​​atombomben. I dag stiger byen med moderne infrastrukturer samt blomstrer med industrielle virksomheder i centrum.

Den hektiske Hiroshima -station forbinder byen med andre destinationer inden for såvel som uden for præfekturet. Stationen er ligeledes det typiske jumping-off-punkt til mange attraktioner. Talrige busforretningsstop ved Hiroshima Bus Center, hvilket gør attraktioner uden for byen let tilgængelig. Hvis du planlægger at tage til Japan såvel som at ville stoppe i Hiroshima, er lige her et par af attraktionerne, der gør Hiroshima -præfekturet til en tydelig såvel som overbevisende mulighed til din næste tur!

Hvad er dækket i denne vejledning?

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park
Hiroshima Castle
Hiroshima madtur
Hondori køber gade
Miyajima Day Tour
Onomichi Day Tour
Saijo Benefit Town Tour
Okunoshima Rabbit Island
Sandankyo Gorge vandretur
Andre Hiroshima -attraktioner
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Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Parken ligger i området nær midten af ​​atombombningen under den sidste del af 2. verdenskrig i 1945. Bortset fra at være et primært boligområde, blev dette brugt til at være en del af sælgerdistriktet i Nakajima, som var centrum for Handel, politik såvel som væbnede styrker aktiviteter dengang; Derfor endte det med at være et af målene for atomangrebet.

Frem fra asken tjener parken i øjeblikket som en markør af krigens virkninger, især udnyttelsen af ​​atomvåben, og uddanner folk om betydningen af ​​at stræbe efter fred i stedet for opdeling. Parken har forskellige monumenter, mindesmærker, museer samt seminarsteder; Hver af dem blev udviklet ikke uden at tro på alle dem, der har oplevet i fortiden.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. En af de mest bemærkelsesværdige strukturer i parken. Museet har to bygninger med fokus på begivenhederne, der fører til atombombningen den 6. august i 1945 såvel som dets efterspørgsel. Skærmene, der inkluderer krigsmemorabilia såvel som grafiske fotos, forsøger at informere folk om virkningerne af atombomben såvel som at gå ind for afslutningen af ​​at bruge atomvåben. Bemærk: En af de to bygninger gennemgår ombygning, da vi gik til tidligt i år. Det anføres at være afsluttet tidligt i 2019. Hele museet lukkes fra 29. december til 1. januar.
Adgangsgebyr: ¥ 200
Betjeningstider: 8:30 – 18:00 (indtil 19:00 i august samt kl. 17 fra december til februar); stopper med at indrømme besøgende 30 minutter før lukketid.

A-bombe kuppel. Før bombningen udnyttede dette til at være den præfekturelle industrielle promoveringshall, en elegant såvel som populær bygning i europæisk stil i centrum af den daværende blomstrende by. I øjeblikket anerkendes det af UNESCO som verdensarvsliste; Det er en af ​​de få opholdsstrukturer, der findes i nærheden af ​​hypocenteret, der havde modstået effekten af ​​atombombningen.

Andre strukturer i parken er børnenes fredsmonument, cenotafen for a-bombe-ofrene, cenotafen for koreanske ofre, fredsflammen, hvilehuset, fredsklokken, fredsportene, mindesmærket til de mobiliserede Studerende, Hypocenter -plaket, Atomic Bomb Memorial Mound, Hiroshima Worldwide Seminar Center samt Hiroshima National Peace Memorial Hall.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony forekommer den 6. august hvert år. Det afholdes i parken, især foran cenotafen for ofrene på a-bombe. Dette er for at huske dem, der omkom ved bombningen såvel som for at bede for langvarig fred. Ceremonien starter nøjagtigt kl. 8:15, det tidspunkt, hvor bomben eksploderede. Om aftenen afholdes en lanterneceremoni langs Motoyasu -floden.

Sådan kommer du dertil: Fra JR Hiroshima Station, tag enten Tram 2 eller Tram 6 til Genbaku-Domu Mae Station (A-Bomb Dome Station). travel time: roughly 15 minutes. Fare: ¥180.


Before the city concerned be, there was this castle called the “Carp Castle”. It utilized to be the house of the feudal lords, the center of political power in the area. many castles in Japan are perched atop a hill or a higher ground, however this was developed on a ordinary in the 1590s. like the rest of the city, it was decreased to ruins when the atomic bomb dropped in 1945.

Today, the castle grounds offer the very best areas for cherry blossom seeing parties. inside the castle building are relics as well as files that tell the history of the castle as well as the city. a few of the original materials, like the concrete foundations, still stand even after the reconstruction in the 1950s. The top floors of the five-story structure offer great views of the city. The castle was a government-designated national Treasure. It is nestled inside Chuo Park, which likewise homes the Hiroshima museum of Art, the Hiroshima Children’s Museum, as well as the Gokoku Shrine.

You can likewise do a sightseeing boat trip where you can see different views of the castle. The boat will cruise around the moat surrounding the castle. trip duration is about 35 minutes. This activity has three routines — morning, mid-afternoon, as well as late afternoon. The ticket as well as booking booth is found near the entrance entrance to the castle’s second Compound. Admission charge is ¥1,400 (adult), ¥700 (student), as well as ¥350 (children). Note: during winter, the operation is restricted to Saturdays, Sundays, as well as national holidays (December-February). Weekday boat during the winter season season is only offered by reservation. go to the official site for the booking here.

Admission Fee: totally free except for the ‘Main Keep’ which collects ¥370.
Operation Hours: primary keep (9AM – 6PM, March – November; 9AM -5PM, December – February); stopper med at indrømme besøgende 30 minutter før lukketid. Note: closed on December 29 to 31.
Nearest Station: Kamiyacho-nishi or Kamiyacho-higashi tram stop. From JR Hiroshima Station, take the tram (Tram 1, 2, 6) as well as alight at Kamiyacho-nishi/Kamiyacho-higashi stop. From here, take a 10-minute walk to the castle ground. The travel time is roughly 20 minutes (tram as well as walking). The fare for the tram trip is ¥180. Note: If you are coming from the peace Park or Shukkeien, you can reach the castle on foot (10-15 minutes).

Hiroshima madtur

Japan trips are not total without trying the food. Each prefecture (or city/town) has its own specialty; most, if not all, boast their own handle typical Japanese dishes; yep, even the most essential food has different versions per location, making them a must-try if you are going to a specific prefecture, town or city.

Hiroshima Okonomiyaki. It’s a tasty pancake typically made from egg, cabbage, bean sprouts, meat, as well as noodles. In Japan, there are two well-known types: Osaka okonomiyaki as well as Hiroshima okonomiyaki. Unlike Osaka’s okonomiyaki, which has all the components mixed with the batter already before cooking (sans the noodles), Hiroshima’s okonomiyaki is cooked layer by layer, implying the components are added as well as mixed with the batter while cooking. It is then topped with one more layer of egg as well as a generous amount of thicker than typical okonomiyaki sauce.
You will never have a difficult time discovering great okonomiyaki restaurants as the city is stated to have the most in Japan. It has been part of the city’s culture as well as history, assisting the people get with the day when the city experienced food shortage after the bombing in 1945. You may want to go to Okonomi-mura (Okonomiyaki Village), a one-stop location for your okonomiyaki craving.

Hiroshima oysters. The prefecture is likewise one of the largest producers of oyster in Japan. Hiroshima oysters abound from the month of October to March, however the very best season is between January as well as February. just like okonomiyaki, you can quickly discover a great oyster location anywhere in Hiroshima, even within short radius of Hiroshima station as well as Hiroshima Airport! aside from the city, Miyajima provides mouthwatering oysters without breaking the bank. We tried raw, grilled, steamed, as well as fried oysters in Miyajima. You may want to try the oyster okonomiyaki if you like both.

Hiroshima ramen. Of course, there’s Hiroshima’s version of ramen. It is on the spicy as well as thin side, mainly utilizing soy sauce as well as pork bone broth. aside from the typical soupy ramen, Hiroshima has the “shirunashi tantanmen” or the soupless dan dan noodles. instead of broth, it typically has chili oil, fried ground pork sauce, as well as pepper (many of them utilize Szechuan pepper) mixed together with thin directly noodles.

Hondori køber gade

Almost every major city in Japan has their own covered buying arcade, as well as Hiroshima is no exception. In Hiroshima, that location is Hondori, a pedestrian-only buying street flanked by a number of stores from the typical worldwide brands like H&M to regional labels. You’ll discover apparel, jewelry, gadgets, as well as souvenirs.

If you get hungry, dine in one of the cafes as well as restaurants including a branch of Fukuoka-rooted Ichiran Ramen as well as a regional Hiroshima okonomiyaki preferred Okonomi-mura.

Nearest Station: Hondori Station

How to get there: From Hiroshima Streetcar Station, take the Tram 1 bound for Hiroshima Port as well as get off at Hiroden Station. Fare: ¥180.

Miyajima Day Tour

Another UNESCO-listed world Heritage site attraction near Hiroshima City is the Itsukushima Shrine complex in Itsukushima Island, fondly called Miyajima, implying “shrine island” in Japanese. The island is quickly reached from downtown Hiroshima, much more or less an hour travel time, depending upon your option of transportation — regional train (faster) or tram (cheaper).

The many popular structure is the big torii entrance welcoming visitors even from afar. during high tide, the entrance seems to be floating on water. The sight is thought about one of the three finest views in Japan. aside from Itsukushima Shrine as well as torii gate, the island boasts different government-declared national Treasures. The island is finest experienced when you spend the night there, seeing a different side of this typically hectic world-famous site.


By regional train: From JR Hiroshima Station, take a train on the JR Sanyo Line to Miyajimaguchi Station. From there, take a short walk to the ferry pier (either JR ferry or Matsudai). purchase ticket to Miyajima Island. Board the ferry.
Fare: ¥410 (train) + ¥180 (ferry)
Travel Time: roughly 35 minutes (train + ferry)

By tram: From downtown Hiroshima, take Tram 2 to Miyajimaguchi Station. From there, take a short walk to the ferry pier (either JR ferry or Matsudai). purchase ticket to Miyajima Island. Board the ferry.
Fare: ¥260 (tram) + ¥180 (ferry)
Travel Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes (tram + ferry)

By direct boat: From Hiroshima peace Memorial Park or Hiroshima Port, board a boat to Miyajima Island.
Fare: ¥2,000 (from peace Park); ¥1,850 (from Hiroshima Port)
Travel Time: 45 minutes (from peace Park); 30 minutes (from Hiroshima Port)

Onomichi Day Tour

Onomichi is just an hour away from the city. found along the Seto Inland Sea, it is linked to the neighboring islands by the Nishiseto Expressway, many popularly understood as Shimanami Kaido. The city is finest explored on foot or by riding a bicycle. The tracks as well as the roads are scenic, particularly when traversing the Shimanami Kaido. It prides itself of a number of monuments as well as age-old temples as well as shrines. numerous of Japan’s well-known authors as well as poets have called Onomichi house at least one point in their lives.

Some of the attractions aside from the Shimanami Kaido are the temple walk route, the Hirayama Museum, Onomichi City museum of Art, as well as the Kosanji Temple.

The city has a interesting affinity with cats. part of the temple walk is feline Alley, so-called for the number of feline cafes, feline museums, as well as feline decors along the trail. Of course, there are a great deal of genuine cats that roam the area.


By train: From JR Hiroshima Station, take the train on JR Sanyo Line to Onomichi Station. There are direct trains, however some would include a transfer typically at Itozaki or Mihara Station.
Fare: ¥1,490
Travel Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes

By highway bus: From Hiroshima Bus Center, board a bus to Onomichi. Alight at Onomichi Station.
Fare: ¥1,750
Travel Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes

Saijo Benefit Town Tour

Saijō is a town found in Higashihiroshima, 40 minutes from Hiroshima City. It is well-known for benefit or Japanese rice wine. Saijo is frequently called “Sake Town” by tourists as well as touted as the “Sake funding of Japan” by regional officials since of its various benefit breweries.

Not as well far from the JR Saijo station is Sakagura-dori (Sake Storehouse Road), which is flanked by 10 of the country’s many revered benefit breweries, housed in historic as well as picturesque buildings. These are: Kamotsuru, Fukubijin, Kamoizumi, Kirei, Saijotsuru, Hakubotan, Sanyotsuru, Kamoki, Sakurafubuki, as well as Chiyonoharu.

You can have a trip of eight or nine of these breweries! just decrease by the Saijo tourism office just across the ticket counters at Saijo Station. According to the tourism policeman when we visited, the guided benefit trip occurs Tuesdays-Sundays at 10am. The trip is totally free from Saturday-Sunday, however costs ¥500 from Tuesday-Friday.

You can likewise trip DIY-style. Make a stop very first at the tourism office as well as get brochures that you can utilize as guide. It has a suggested path as well as much more information about each stop. From there, you can do your benefit storehouse hopping! As you walk around, you’ll discover much more about benefit as well as Saijo’s benefit tradition, as well as taste benefit along the way.

If your trip falls in October, you may want to inspect out the Saijō benefit Matsuri or benefit Festival! It occurs on one weekend in October, however the dates modification per year, so inspect first.


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