7 common excuses people use TO avoid family travel

7 common excuses people use TO avoid family travel

Posted: 2/21/15 | February 21st, 2015

Today, Cameron wears from traveling Canucks shares his tips and advice on how to travel better with your kids. If you’re a parent making plans to travel with your family, there’s a good chance you’ve already come across plenty of nay-sayers, or perhaps you’re facing your own self-doubts. here are some myths about traveling with your family.

Before having kids, we didn’t spend much time thinking about what travel would be like with little ones. We knew having kids would be a big part of our future and, like many newlyweds, we mistakenly assumed our days of travel would be put on hold when the babies arrived.

Over the past few years, I’ve heard many reasons why it’s not a good idea to travel with young children. It was the common wisdom of those around us. “Once the kids arrive, don’t expect to travel anymore,” they would say.

And so my partner and I internalized this line of thinking, but I realized I was listening to the wrong people.

While I can appreciate that some families are simply not in the position to travel, most of the reasons people don’t travel with their children are based on outdated conventional wisdom and conflicting information online and in the media.

Today, with the help of a few family travel bloggers, it’s time to shoot down those common reasons why people delay family travel.

1. You should wait until your child can remember the trip

Sure, your kids won’t remember every detail about your travels, but let’s be honest — most adults struggle to remember what they did last week. I don’t remember every detail from my trips, but I still appreciate the overall experience.

Our toddler still talks about the time we slept on the overnight train and “Daddy slept on the top bunk.” He may not remember visiting the Eiffel Tower when we were in Paris two years ago, but he remembers riding the popular carousel located across the street. This past Christmas, he opened a present and saw a gift receipt attached to box. He ripped off the gift receipt and screamed, “A plane ticket, I got a plane ticket, Daddy!”

Keryn means of WalkingOnTravels.com says, “My son remembers going to Iceland almost a year ago. He remembers splashing in the waters of Hawaii and hanging out at a volcano. He remembers eating gelato in Italy when he was 3 (he is 5 now) and how to say ‘strawberry gelato’ in Italian. If he hears the word ‘Iceland’ mentioned he’ll say, ‘Hey mom, we went to Iceland!’

These are not things we bring up, so he clearly remembers. Adults don’t give kids enough credit for what they remember.”

Without question, our travels are influencing our boys and shaping who they are and who they will be. I understand that when they’re teenagers they won’t remember many of these trips, but every trip we take teaches our boys something new about themselves and the world. It would be such a shame to put all of those impactful life lessons on hold for 15 years, just because you want your kid to remember what the Eiffel Tower looks like.

2. traveling with kids is too difficult

The biggest mistake new parents can make is to travel the way they did before having kids. Life is different now, so you have to change your expectations. You can’t stay out late partying at nightclubs with a baby, and you can’t scale the side of a mountain with a baby on your back (well, maybe you can, but I wouldn’t).

“When I was pregnant with my first child, many of my pals told me that my traveling days would be over because it would be too hard to travel with a baby,” says Becky Morales of KidWorldCitizen.org. “We got our baby a passport shortly after she was born, and her first international flight was at three months old. growing up traveling has helped my kids become comfortable in all types of situations.”

Times have changed, but that does not mean you have to stop traveling. It is possible to have kids and travel; you just need to plan ahead and slow down. There are plenty of families out there who travel all the time — listen to what they have to say about family travel instead of the naysayers who say it’s too difficult.

3. It’s too hard to travel with a baby

We couldn’t fathom taking our newborn baby on a long trip at the time. We took a couple of short road trips to test the waters, but didn’t board a plane until he was three months old — but babies sleep a lot. They don’t crawl, they don’t walk, and they don’t do much of anything except eat, poop, and sleep. traveling before your baby is mobile is actually the best time to travel with your baby!

Claudia Laroye of TheTravellingMom.ca says, “Traveling with a baby is much easier than traveling with toddlers. Upsides: If you’re nursing, no extra food packing is required; babies are not mobile and can’t run away, and they sleep most of the time. One can also access fast lanes through airport security with kids up to a certain age — a happy benefit of family travel.”

When babies get older, they become more active, inquisitive, and demanding. We’ve found the hardest time to travel is between the ages of 12 months and 18 months because they just want to move and they’re difficult to reason with.

But babies aren’t as hard to travel with as you imagine.

4. babies and children are terrible on planes

Some children behave poorly on planes — but so do some adults. We can’t label all children as dreadful flight passengers just because a few children have a hard time being confined to a seat. Out of 30 flights we’ve taken with our boys, only one is filed under the “terrible flight” category.

Babies less than 24 months old fly for free on most airlines, so we thought we’d save some money and have him sit on our lap. He was 18 months at the time, so we thought this would be fine. He wasn’t having it. Lesson learned.

Most children are fine on airplanes as long as you keep them entertained. We prepare by bringing plenty of snacks, toys, and games. We have their favorite shows downloaded on our tablets, and they have noise-canceling headphones so they don’t disturb our neighbors.

Moreover, whenever possible, we book direct flights and choose flight times that coincide with nap schedules.

5. You have to check out destinations built for kids

Having kids does not mean you’re sentenced to a life of prepackaged vacations or theme parks. far from it — but you do need to include activities that your children will enjoy, otherwise nobody’s going to have fun. When we went to Arizona last year, we enjoyed visiting the Phoenix Zoo, SEA LIFE Arizona Aquarium, and Rawhide Western town just as much as our boys did.

“Parents typically hear that children only enjoy vacations to Disney world and other theme parks or beach destinations, but this couldn’t be further from the truth,” says Lisa Goodmurphy of GoneWithTheFamily.com. “It has been my experience that children are naturally curious about the world and get excited about visiting new places and doing new things. Our kids have terrific memories of exploring European cities like London and Paris, cruising the Baltics, visiting palaces in St. Petersburg, Russia, and experiencing the midnight sun when we traveled north by train to Fairbanks, Alaska — all of these places would not be classified as typical family destinations.”

Keep in mind that all destinations have child-friendly activities. You don’t have to stick to theme parks. There are museums, play areas, aquariums, and parks.

6. You have to pack so much stuff

Yes, it’s true, traveling with little ones means more luggage and bulky items like strollers and automobile seats. Yes, you will most likely be required to check your bags and pay the additional baggage fees. but it’s only a temporary inconvenience.

Once you check your bags at the airport, you no longer need to worry about them. When you arrive at your destination airport, grab a buggy for your luggage or ask for help. traveling without a partner? Why not hire the services of a porter? instead of taking a taxi or bus, consider renting a vehicle directly at the airport. By renting a vehicle, you only have to set up the automobile seats once and the headache is over (instead of the alternative, which usually requires setting up the automobile seat several times per day — not fun).

To reduce the weight of your luggage, consider booking accommodations that have an in-suite washer/dryer or laundry service. being able to wash your laundry means you can pack half of what you’d normally take. You can also rent baby equipment, like strollers, cribs, automobile seats, and high chairs, at your destination. This service will cost you more, but it will significantly reduce your load.

Micki Kosman of The Barefoot Nomad points out that you can always purchase items at your destination. She says, “When we first traveled with our little guy, I was worried that we wouldn’t be able to find baby supplies (like disposable diapers) at our destination. It turns out that there are babies everywhere, and we found what we needed everywhere from the Philippines to Hong Kong to Mexico.”

7. traveling with kids is too expensive

Traveling with kids is certainly more expensive than traveling without kids, but that doesn’t mean it’s too expensive or unattainable. If travel is important to you, there is always a way to reduce costs and make it affordable.

There are plenty of ways to save money on travel. family travel is no different.

“It actually doesn’t cost much to travel with kids at all, especially if they’re still really small,” says Corinne McDermott of HaveBabyWillTravel.com. “As lap infants, they usually fly for free until they’re two, public transit is usually free or steeply discounted, and it’s free admission to most attractions until a certain age. until they enter the picky ‘chicken nugget only’ stage of kid-hood, most are content to just to eat off your plate in restaurants.”

I shared some tips on saving money on family travel in a lonGer og mere detaljeret indlæg.

Familierejser er ikke noget at frygte eller undgå. Du behøver ikke at sætte rejser på vent bare fordi du har børn – langt fra det. Dine børn vil kun være børn en gang. Før du ved det, vil de være akavede teenagere, der ikke ønsker at tilbringe tid med mor og far. Der er ingen bedre tid end lige nu til at opleve verden sammen som en familie.

Cameron Wears er halvdelen af ​​duoen bag den prisvindende canadiske rejseblogtrejsecanucks.com. Efter at have rejst til over 65 lande, bor han nu i en fantastisk Vancouver, Canada, med sin partner Nicole og deres to unge drenge. Du kan følge deres familie rejseeventyr på Twitter og Facebook.

Book din rejse: logistiske tip og tricks
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Find en billig flyvning ved hjælp af Skyscanner. Det er min foretrukne søgemaskine, fordi den søger på websteder og flyselskaber over hele kloden, så du ved altid, at der ikke er nogen sten, der ikke er vendt.

Book din indkvartering
Du kan booke dit hostel med HostelWorld. Hvis du vil bo et andet sted end et vandrerhjem, skal du bruge Booking.com, da de konsekvent returnerer de billigste priser for gæstehuse og hoteller.

Glem ikke rejseforsikring
Rejseforsikring vil beskytte dig mod sygdom, skade, tyveri og aflysninger. Det er omfattende beskyttelse, hvis noget går galt. Jeg tager aldrig på en tur uden den, da jeg har været nødt til at bruge den mange gange i fortiden. Mine yndlingsfirmaer, der tilbyder den bedste service og værdi, er:

Safetywing (bedst for alle)

Forsikre min rejse (for dem over 70)

Medjet (for yderligere evakueringsdækning)

Klar til at booke din rejse?
Tjek min ressourceside for de bedste virksomheder, der skal bruges, når du rejser. Jeg viser alle dem, jeg bruger, når jeg rejser. De er de bedste i klassen, og du kan ikke gå galt ved at bruge dem på din rejse.

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