Author Archives: fjbvd

Sendt: 02/03/2014 | 3. februar 2014 “Mine damer og herrer, velkomne til Bangkoks Suvarnabhumi lufthavn!” Dette var ord, som jeg ikke havde hørt talt om to år. Og de er blevet hårdt savnet. Efter landing i Bangkok gled jeg ubesværet gennem en lufthavn, hvor jeg har været adskillige gange og kørte hen til toget ind i byen. Det var en rutine, jeg fulgte uden at tænke, og jeg gik let til mit hotel (jeg brugte point for at blive helt gratis på det nye W Hotel, et af de bedste w -hoteller, jeg nogensinde har opholdt sig på, men det er en anden historie). Efter check-in faldt jeg min taske og gik mod det nærliggende gademarked og bestilte hårdt savnet svinekødnudelsuppe og thailandske citronte. (Tip: Hvis du søger efter et marked i Thailand, skal du finde et kontorområde. Hvor der er sultne kontorarbejdere, er der god gademad.) Seværdighederne, lyde og…

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There’s a great deal to be envied about lighthouses. They exude a type of appeal as well as enigma just by standing still. They command interest without even trying. as well as they always have the very best view. There’s even a lot more to be envied about those that stand pleased in the hills of Batanes. They are fairly new as well as well-maintained. They are never lonely, sought by rabid tourists, as well as photographed by those who desire to immortalize their moments with them. as well as as sentinels of the northernmost province, they deal with no existential dilemmas for nobody can reject their importance. Today, Batanes has three lighthouses as well as they are similar in lots of ways. All three are part of a job spearheaded by Rep. Abad in the early 2000’s. These contemporary structures were erected not only to guide seafarers across the…

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Update: Taal Volcano er blevet lukket for offentligheden. Der vandrede jeg op på en aktiv vulkan så godt som jeg var ængstelig for, at noget andet ville sprænge – min blære. Jeg skal tisse. Virkelig dårlig. Vi var ved skråningerne af Taal Volcano, en af ​​de mindste aktive vulkaner i verden, smack midt i Lake Taal i Batangas. Ja, det er lidt, men husk, det er meget, ekstremt aktivt. Faktisk er det en af ​​de få ”årti vulkaner” i verden. Ifølge videnskab dagligt er årti -vulkaner 16 vulkaner bestemt af Worldwide Association of Volcanology såvel som kemi for jordens indre (IAVCEI) som fortjener specifik forskningsundersøgelse på grund af deres historie med store, destruktive udbrud samt nærhed til befolket befolkning områder. En af ”ryttere” (hvorfor beder den støj så apokalyptisk?) Jeg rådede mig til bare at decharge hvor som helst, men jeg kunne ikke. Der var virkelig ikke meget anden mulighed…

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Updated: 06/09/19 | Posted: 11/17/11 It’s been 18 months since I was last here. As I rode the new train into the city, I wondered what else would be different. The last time I was here the political parties were fighting. There were protests, bombings, and citywide violence that turned one of my favorite cities into a war zone. since my last visit, many of my pals have moved on to new destinations or returned home. But as I listened to the people around me and looked at the faces on the train, I felt at ease. I was comfortable. I knew I was home. though I’ve been away a long time, Bangkok and I are as close as ever. I checked into my guesthouse, dropped my bags, and practically lept out the door. I needed to explore. I needed to be outside — in my city. I wanted to…

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There’s no question that Cancun Mexico is understood for its amazing white sand beaches as well as lovely water, however there are much more things to perform in Cancun than costs a day at the strand. This lovely destination is one of the very best locations to see in Mexico! Millions of tourists flock to this coastal area every year to absorb the sun, catch some waves as well as feel the sand between their toes as well as I’d be lying if I stated that wasn’t my objective on my very first trip to Cancun. Heading to the beach as well as just taking a day to unwind will be one of the numerous activities in Cancun that you will enjoy, however it doesn’t have to be the only one. Cancun is an area that is biodiverse as well as incredibly rich in culture as well as history. With…

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Posted: 2/21/15 | February 21st, 2015 Today, Cameron wears from traveling Canucks shares his tips and advice on how to travel better with your kids. If you’re a parent making plans to travel with your family, there’s a good chance you’ve already come across plenty of nay-sayers, or perhaps you’re facing your own self-doubts. here are some myths about traveling with your family. Before having kids, we didn’t spend much time thinking about what travel would be like with little ones. We knew having kids would be a big part of our future and, like many newlyweds, we mistakenly assumed our days of travel would be put on hold when the babies arrived. Over the past few years, I’ve heard many reasons why it’s not a good idea to travel with young children. It was the common wisdom of those around us. “Once the kids arrive, don’t expect to travel…

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Da vi forlod havnen, flyttede jeg aldrig fra mit sæde, for hvis jeg gjorde det, ville jeg kaste alt, hvad jeg havde til morgenmad i et kraftfuldt slag. Åh vent, jeg spiste ikke morgenmad den morgen, så jeg ville sandsynligvis have puket min sjæl ud. Forudsat at jeg selvfølgelig har en sjæl. Cliche som det lyder, men det var ikke båden. Det var mig. Vi landede i Cairns fra Sydney omkring midnat, og det var først kl. 3, at søvn endelig var i stand til at give mit rastløse sind et besøg. Efter kl. 06.00, på trods af mine øjenlågs tunge modstand, var jeg allerede oppe. Det var vores første dag i Cairns, og båden forlod kl. 8. Vi ville bare have rigelig ledetid, hvis vi kæmper for at finde havnen. At kæmpe for at finde vores destination er ikke rigtig ny for os; Det er mere som reglen end…

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Last Updated: 03/09/2022 | March 9th, 2022 What’s not to love about Hong Kong? The view from Victoria Peak, the bright lights, amazing markets, great shopping, beautiful temples, good hiking, delicious food… I could go on and on about all the amazing things to do in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is one of my favorite cities in the world. It has everything you could ever want and more. A city of 7.3 million people, it also has a ton of accommodation options. There are literally thousands of places to stay. And hundreds of cheap hostels! Dorm room prices do vary widely, though. They start around 150 HKD per night, but on average, for a good and clean room, expect to pay closer to 200 HKD (smaller rooms are typically much more expensive). private rooms in hostels start at around 275 HKD per night and go as high as 500 HKD…

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Pai is a small town located in northern Thailand and due to its charm and the lots of different things to do in Pai, it has become a popular place for travellers. From checking out waterfalls and hiking the Pai Canyon, to checking out the big Buddha and exploring by scooter, Pai uses many attractions for backpackers, travellers, expats and everyone in between. For such a small place, the list of things to do in Pai is huge! This town is growing and so are the lots of activities available in Pai for travellers. This is absolutely one of the best places to visit in Thailand. The road between the northern city of Chiang Mai and Pai is an exciting adventure all on its own. In fact, this journey was the main reason I went to Pai in the first place. But to my surprise, Pai was a town that stole my…

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With the practically unbearable heat these days, we’re always looking for ways to awesome down. as well as one of the most typical is with chilly food as well as drinks. I’ve consumed so much halo-halo, ice cream, ice candy as well as iced anything in the past weeks! however with the limited going out schedule, it’s difficult to purchase these all the time, so we make our own iced treats. We’ve been making ice candies since it’s very easy to make, however I didn’t know you could easily make ice cream too until I saw video tutorials online. most of the recipes use only a few ingredients . It could likewise be a fun activity to do with kids! These are some of the ice cream recipes on Youtube that you could easily follow. These recipes are pretty inexpensive so you don’t have to worry if you’re on a…

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